Introducing Symbolism

Examples of logos and symbols
In preparation for designing the final banner we spent a morning thinking about symbolism and what it is and why we use it.  We realised that symbols are all around us all day and that the younger generations are using them even more than previous generations in the form of emojis.  We concluded that a picture or a symbol can replace many a word and tell the story more simply and quickly.  This is what we are wanting to do on our banner... tell the story of Carlisle's Textile History in symbolic art work.  In order to help us get even more of a feel for symbols we went on to think about what would represent us individually, what we value and what is important to us and put those images and symbols down on a shield as a Coat of Arts.  There was a lot of discussion and ideas generated and by the end of the morning we were beginning to think also about which symbols we would need on our banner. 
Work in progress

Our writer in the group chose an ink pot and quill!


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